Surviving First Night with Your New Puppy - Do’s & Don’ts
Getting a puppy is a significant step for anyone, and knowing what to expect is crucial if this is your first pet. We've compiled recommendations and advice about the first night with puppy for you.
A new family member is a significant commitment, but it's also a lot of fun. If you're a first-time puppy owner, you've probably heard both good and unpleasant stories regarding puppy ownership. Therefore, it's critical to be prepared for your first day and night together because it will set the tone for the rest of your time together.
Bringing a new puppy home is a beautiful moment for the family. Still, it may be a frightening experience for the puppy, as it is separated from its mother and siblings and placed in a new environment with people it has never encountered before. Understandably, a puppy will be scared on its first night, and the family will be concerned.
So make sure the situation in the house is calm. If possible, pay a few visits to the puppy before picking it up and ask the breeders a lot of questions, such as when and what to feed it, as well as for a copy of the puppy's vaccines and papers. However, schedule the puppy's arrival either before a long weekend, at the start of a vacation, or at a time when someone will be home with it for as many days as feasible.
Prepare Yourself Mentally for Puppies First Night at Your Home
Many dog owners are unaware of the responsibilities and hardships of keeping a dog, which results in a large number of puppies being given up for adoption.
So, to make sure you're fully prepared, here are the top mental preparations you should do before obtaining a dog -
- A dog's typical lifespan is 13 years, so make sure you're ready to make a long-term commitment to your new pet.
- You must select a species that is appropriate for your lifestyle and circumstances. You must consider the size of your living space, the surrounding location, and your family structure (if you have small children, live alone, etc.).
- Prepare to give up some of your time. Bringing a new puppy into your home entails accepting responsibility for a live being whose demands frequently take precedence over your own.
- Dogs are costly, so be sure you have enough money to care for them. Health insurance is usually an excellent idea to help cover significant, unexpected medical expenditures.
- Make sure you know a competent veterinarian in your area. You have to take him for a stroll in your neighbourhood park or play a game in your backyard at least once a day.
New Puppy Checklist - Things You will Need for Your New Fur Friend
You must ensure that you have all of the supplies your puppy will require. Here are some items to consider for your shopping list for puppy:
A crate and/or a Bed: This is the first thing in our new puppy checklist. Place it in a fixed location, so it is easy for them to get used to it.
Playpen: Unlike a crate, a playpen provides lots of room for the puppy to move around and play. The Playpen from DryPaws is constructed of water-resistant fabric with a mesh canopy and a retractable foundation.
Food and Water Bowl: With our 6 in 1 puppy bowl, you can make feeding time for your cat or dog as pleasurable and straightforward as possible. It can be used to store both water and food. This bowl will come in handy if you have numerous puppies.
Puppy food: One of the most crucial decisions you can make for your puppy is what food to feed it. Because the wrong food can substantially raise your puppy's risk of being ill.
Collar and Leash: Picking a suitable collar and leash for your dog is crucial. They should not be intimidating to avoid frightening your baby. Choose a lightweight collar.
Poop Scooper: Having a dog necessitates more regular visits to the outdoors. A poop scooper made from dry paws can make it easy. It's effortless to use. It includes biodegradable bags.
Pee Pad: Puppies are unable to contain their urine for long periods. Therefore, a pee pad from dry paws can help avoid accidents in the house. Dry Paws Washable Puppy Pads are a one-of-a-kind design with three layers that work together to prevent leaking and odours.
Diaper: If your puppy hasn't yet learned to use the toilet, dry paws has you covered. A diaper can be a valuable ally. It will not irritate the skin of your furbaby.
Mesh Gate: You don't want your puppy to wander around the house. Our Magic No-Drill Mesh Safety Barrier is made of high-quality materials, has strong sides, and see-through woven mesh so you can quickly view your pet.
Toys: Good quality toys are just as crucial to growth as training and exercise, whether you're supporting your puppy through teething, teaching good manners, or simply enjoying playtime. Snuffle mats for dogs are a fun reinforcement puzzle that will keep your dog's mind and body occupied.
Car Seat Cover: While keeping your dog safe and secure, our dog car seat coverings protect your seats from dog scratches, canine fur, and pet accidents.
Towel: The dry paws Bathrobe is highly absorbent and may be used as a towel to dry your pet's fur or as a bathrobe, coat, or nightshirt for warmth and comfort.
Early Precautions to Take for The First Day With New Puppy
How puppies' first night with you will be, depends on how prepared you are. You'll need to make specific preparations even before your new canine arrives at your house. These measures will help your dog get off to the excellent possible start in its new life.
Talk to the family: A puppy is a significant commitment, so be sure you're all on board with wanting this newest member of the family before you leap. After that, pick who will be the primary caregiver. Make a list of house rules ahead of time to prevent confusing the dog – will the dog be permitted on the bed? On the sofa? What will the dog's sleeping quarters be? Are there any areas of the house that are always off-limits?
Stock up on supplies: Purchase some essentials ahead of time so that you and your dog can settle in without having to make too many dashes to the store. Check out the list above to see what you'll require.
Prepare Your Home: Make a temporary, gated-off living space for your dog or puppy where they can't destroy your stuff or ingest something poisonous. Choose an area in your house that is a hub of activity, so your dog doesn't feel isolated, and make sure it has easy-to-clean floors. Puppy-proof to keep anything that could harm your puppy out of reach — drugs, poisons, and certain plants. Remember that your new furry buddy will grow quickly, so stairwells or furniture that were out of reach the first day might become accessible to your puppy in no time.
Keep their space ready: You'll also need to make sure your new arrival has their own space by establishing a resting room for them. A crate can be beneficial because it provides a safe foundation to explore and can aid with toilet training. Make sure it's in a peaceful, out-of-the-way location with plenty of blankets and bedding to keep them warm and comfortable.
Find a good trainer and class: Group obedience lessons are a fantastic way to bond with your new dog while also learning how to speak with and train them. These sessions are especially beneficial for young puppies because they allow them to become comfortable around other dogs and people, which is an essential aspect of growing a safe, friendly dog. However, because dog training is unregulated and anyone may call themselves a dog trainer, you'll want to do some research to ensure you've chosen the correct program and instructor.
Learn some handy house-training tips: Determine where your new puppy's indoor "potty location" will be if he isn't yet housebroken. Then, make a strategy to house-train him and coordinate with the rest of the family.
Make it legal: Learn about the dog licensing rules in your area and apply for one. This information is usually available on your state's department of agriculture website. You can also inquire about the rules at your local shelter.
Make a Vet appointment: Take your new dog to a compassionate veterinarian for a wellness exam within one week of adoption. You can get recommendations from friends or relatives, or you can search for veterinary reviews online.
The First Hour with Your Puppy
When you first bring your puppy home, the best thing is to take him to his litter box. Puppies will need to go to the bathroom frequently, so allowing them to do so right away can assist them from going inside. Also, remember to lavish praise or even a treat on them when they use the toilet in the proper location.
Attempt to get them to their designated area first. Because a new house will be a lot to take in for your puppy, it's best to gradually bring them to each room. Immediately showing them where their bed and food/water bowls are can assist them in acclimating to their new environment and learning where the essential items are!
When your dog first comes, everyone must remain calm. Of course, it's a joyous day for any owner, but with so many new people and events, it's easy to overwhelm your new buddy.
We recommend denying your puppy access to the entire house on the first day. Too soon can cause kids to become too thrilled or stressed, so gradual introductions to new experiences are essential.
First Night with Puppy
We won't lie to you: the first night with puppy (or even the first several nights) can be challenging. They're used to sleeping with their siblings and mother, so being separated from them is a significant shift that can be distressing at first.
We recommend following a few guidelines for your puppy's first few nights (and beyond):
- Play with them. Play with the puppy for a few hours before bedtime to try to exhaust it and get it ready for a good night's sleep. Allowing it to slumber at this time will result in it being fully up and eager to play when you're attempting to sleep. Remove any food or water after around 7:00 p.m. and shortly before bedtime; take the puppy out to the bathroom and lavish praise if it is successful.
- Maintain a consistent nighttime routine. Pets thrive on routine, so establish one for your puppy as soon as possible!
- Choose a sleeping location for them. Whether you want your puppy to sleep in your bed all the time or in its own room, you must start from the beginning and stick to it. If you have your puppy in your bedroom but plan to move them to another room later, this might be pretty stressful for them.
- Make your dog's night as relaxing as possible. Then, when they settle where you want them to, give them moderate praise (such as a few strokes).
- For the first several nights, stay in the same room. Your puppy will need time to acclimate to being away from its mother for the first few nights. It's a good idea to spend the first few nights in the same room with them, wherever you decide to settle them in your house, so they don't wake up in a panic because no one is there.
- Bring up memories of their mother. Breeders will frequently give you something to take home that smells like the puppy's mother (such as a blanket). Please put this in their bed every night to help them sleep better and stay calm.
- Toilet breaks during the night may be required. Puppies have teeny-tiny bodies and bladders! During the first few weeks, kids may need a nighttime restroom break.
- It's OK to comfort them. If your puppy is concerned at night, it may cry or bark. As they acclimate to a new home and environment, this is natural. Don't worry about teaching them that if they cry or bark, they'll get attention — leaving them (even if they appear to be calm) might cause a lot more stress. When your puppy is worried, consoling them is beneficial, but ignoring them will make them feel lonely and fearful. It's OK to comfort your dog until they are more comfortable sleeping alone.

A hot water bottle or bag might help. Some folks fill a hot water bottle with lukewarm water and drape it in blankets to place amid the bedding for the puppy to snuggle up to, and there's always the age-old practice of leaving a wind-up ticking clock near the bed to mimic the mother's heart pulse. Almost anything deserves a try when a dog refuses to sleep.