Is your dog acting more lethargic than usual? Are you familiar with the dog fever symptoms? These questions appear to be quite routine, but knowing the answers is critical if your dog is ill.

You're probably heard of the tried-and-true approach used by many dog owners to determine whether their pet has a fever: Feel the tip of his nose. He's alright if it's wet and cold. He's probably got a fever if it's hot and dry outside. Isn't it simple? There's nothing wrong with using an old-fashioned measure. Still, it's occasionally more sophisticated than that, and the nose test alone is frequently insufficient for determining whether or not a person has a fever.

What is Fever in Dogs - Know The Normal Dog Temperature

The term "fever" refers to an excessively high body temperature. It's essential to know the normal dog temperature to tell if your pet has a fever or not.

The average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37.6 degrees Celsius). Dogs and cats should keep their core temperatures between 101.0°F and 102.5°F (38.3°C and 39.2°C). In general, if your pet's temperature is consistently above or below 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 degrees Celsius), you should take him to the veterinarian.

symptoms of fever

Even yet, there is no simple checklist of indications that indicate high or low body temperatures, but here are some broad signs to look for:

  • Pets who are suffering from hypothermia may appear lazy and unfocused. They may tremor or shudder.
  • Hyperthermic animals may also be lethargic. They frequently pant as a means of expelling heat from their bodies, and their gums may turn a darker shade of red.

You can't tell if your pet is hypo/hyperthermia merely by looking at him because these symptoms can arise with various medical conditions. You need to take his temperature to know if he's okay.

Be Aware of The Causes of Fever in Dogs

A fever in pets can be caused by an infection or inflammation, as the body tries to fight it off. They can be both internal and external.

  • An infected bite, scratch, or cut
  • Ear infection
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • An infected or abscessed tooth
  • An ongoing bacterial or viral disease
  • Infection of organs, such as kidneys or lungs

symptoms of fever in dogs

Dogs with fevers whose cause is unclear are classified as having a "fever of unknown origin" or FUO. An elevated temperature in certain circumstances may be due to an immune system issue, bone marrow abnormalities, or even cancer.

The ingestion of harmful substances can also cause fever.

  • Poisonous plants
  • Antifreeze
  • Human medications
  • Toxic human foods, including the artificial sweetener xylitol

Immediately contact the vet if you think your dog has ingested a toxic substance.

A low-grade fever can occur 24–48 hours following vaccination in pets and humans alike. In most cases, this is not harmful and goes away in a few days, but keep an eye on it.

Symptoms of Fever in Dogs

First and foremost, let me state that I am not a veterinarian. However, I've had a lot of experience spotting dog fever symptoms.

There is no way for your dog to let you know if he has a fever; therefore, it is important that you get familiar with the symptoms of fever.

symptoms of fever in dogs

If you detect a dramatic change in your dog's behaviour, this will be your first indication that your dog is ill. You should monitor your dog closely and take note of their symptoms. Check your dog's temperature if any of the following symptoms occur simultaneously.

  • Red or glassy-looking eyes
  • Warm ears or nose 
  • Shivering
  • Panting 
  • Runny nose 
  • Decreased energy 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Coughing 
  • Vomiting

Thermometers That Can Measure Normal Dog Temperature

The only way to know if your pet has a normal dog temperature is to use a thermometer and take his temperature. Temperatures can be measured digitally or with a rectal thermometer. Rectal thermometers are inserted into the rectum, while digital thermometers are injected into the ear canal. Taking a dog's temperature might be difficult since they often oppose both options.

symptoms of fever in dogs

Mercury is housed inside a glass cylinder in traditional rectal thermometers. The mercury column on the thermometer can be difficult to read, but shaking it horizontally helps to show the silver line. Because mercury leakage from broken glass thermometers is dangerous, they must be cleaned up carefully.

Digital thermometers show temperatures in either Fahrenheit or Celsius on a large, easy-to-read numerical display. Digital thermometers implanted into the ear canal require proximity to the eardrum to measure temperature accurately. Dogs' ear canals can come in various forms and sizes, making digital temperature readings inaccurate. In addition, the existence of hair, wax, and other material in the ear canal can alter the readings.

How Can You Take Your Dog’s Temperature?

High temperature is one of the most common symptoms of fever. Depending on the type of thermometer you use, you may need a second person to help you take your pet's temperature. One individual can cuddle your pet and provide both comfort and restriction.

Rectal Thermometer: Shake the thermometer down. To make insertion easier, smear petroleum jelly on the needle's tip. The thermometer should be slowly advanced by about an inch for small dogs and cats. Place the thermometer about 2 to 3 inches into the rectum of larger dogs. To avoid a falsely low-temperature reading if you feel stool in the rectum, place the thermometer around it rather than through it.

Rectal Thermometer

Hold the thermometer in place for two minutes if you are using a glass thermometer. Using a tissue, clean the thermometer before reading. Do not shove the thermometer into the rectum if the pet's anal sphincter is clamped down.

Digital Thermometer: Turn the thermometer on and let it calibrate. Calibration beeps are common on many digital thermometers and beep again when the device is ready to be read. Do not use any lubricant as you did with the rectal thermometer. With your pet's head at an angle of 90 degrees, carefully insert the thermometer into the horizontal ear canal. Do not push the device into your pet's ear canal if it resists. Inserting a thermometer into an infected ear will be harmful. If your dog or cat has an ear infection, it is best to avoid using an ear thermometer because it can give erroneous results.

syptoms of fever in dogs

Do not attempt to take your pet's temperature if you are afraid of injuring yourself or your pet. Allow a veterinary facility to correctly and safely measure his temperature.

How should I Care for a Dog with a Fever?

First and foremost, be sure that any abnormal temperature readings are, in fact, abnormal. When a pet is disturbed or overexcited, its body temperature rises to a falsely high level. There is a possibility that dogs and cats that resist restraint may have high temperatures that don't meet the definition of "fever." After 10 minutes of rest, calm the animal down and try again.

Rechecking your pet's temperature, if it is still slightly elevated (102.5-103.5°F), give him a tiny amount of ice cubes. Place him in a well-ventilated environment and apply cool, damp clothes to his paws. Put an end to the watering when your dog's temperature falls to less than 103 F. Make careful to keep an eye on your dog for any signs of a recurrence of the fever. Keep your dog hydrated by encouraging him to drink modest amounts of water, but don't coerce him into doing so.

syptoms of fever in dogs

If it develops other symptoms, such as shivering, panting, or even vomiting, go to the vet. See your veterinarian if your pet's temperature continues to rise. Temperatures above 104°F (40°C) are considered an emergency.

Never feed your dog acetaminophen or ibuprofen, as they are human drugs. For your pet's safety, do not administer these medications.

Some of our products can make a recovery from fever easier for your pet. Check it out now!

Calming Pet Bed: Your dog requires adequate rest to recuperate from any ailment. Sleep deprivation can cause physical and emotional suffering and destructive conduct. Dry Paws' incredibly soft, luxuriant, far calming pet bed reduces tension by offering a nest that mimics the sensation of a comforting mother's embrace. It can be washed in the washing machine. Avoid bleach, ironing, and dry cleaning to prevent the quality from deteriorating.

Dog Diaper: When your dog is unwell, diapers are a must-have item. They find it difficult to go outside every time they need to pee. After all, they're sick, right? Diapers can assist them in getting some much-needed relaxation. Because our diaper is reusable, it is environmentally beneficial. It is constructed of cotton-blend fabrics, which will not irritate your dog. The fit is excellent, and the garment is quite comfortable. There are six sizes to choose from, so you can get the right fit. The diaper can also be washed in the washing machine. Simply throw it in the washing machine with some gentle detergent and voilà! No bleach should be used.

Puppy Pad: Puppy pads are an excellent substitute for diapers. Puppy pads might also be useful if your dog doesn't like diapers. Dry paws is an odour-controlling, absorbent pad that is pleasant, accident-proof, and odour-proof. These pads have a unique design with three layers that work together to prevent leaking and odour. This is a washable and reusable item. Absorb liquid more quickly than single-use dog pads. The inner layer of Japanese bamboo will absorb yellow stains and trap odour. The bottom is made with a non-slip safety coating. As a result, there will be no more disasters.

Pet Food Scale: To regain full strength, your dog requires a healthy diet. Consult your veterinarian on the animal's diet. Measuring food accurately is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. It's simple to use our electric pet food scale. First, press the switch to reset it to pick the measurement unit, then right-click it. Keep your weight level and wait for the reading to stop beating when weighing. After you've finished measuring, push the button to reset the device. Attaching the detachable spoon is simple. It can be cleaned by hand or in a dishwasher.

When to Bring Your Dog to The Vet

The normal dog temperature is 101.0°F and 102.5°F (38.3°C and 39.2°C). When a dog's temperature reaches 103 degrees or above, he is deemed to have a fever. If this is the case, a trip to the veterinarian is in order. Temperatures over 106 degrees or above can cause internal organ damage and death in pets, so seek medical attention before the situation becomes critical.

Diagnosing the underlying reason can be difficult once you've arrived at the vet's office. Your dog's medical history, including vaccinations, surgeries, allergies, medications, and previous illnesses, is likely to be kept by your veterinarian. Any recent physical wounds, consumption of plants or other toxins (such as insect stings), and so on may also need to be reported to the veterinarian. Keep a journal of the first time you felt a fever coming on.

symptoms of fever in dogs

Routine laboratory tests, including urinalysis, blood count, and biochemistry profile, may be ordered by your veterinarian following the completion of a physical examination by them. They may be able to shed light on an infection or underlying illness. If your dog has an infection, your vet will prescribe some antibiotics. Additional testing may be necessary.

It is not always possible to pinpoint the exact cause of a fever. Veterans have a shorthand for this: FUO (Fever of Unknown Origin).

Final Words

Dogs' natural body temperatures, like people's, fluctuate slightly. You'll need to take your dog's temperature using a rectal thermometer while he's feeling well to determine what's "normal" for him. When your dog isn't sick, you can also make a record of it during routine vet visits.

Remember that temperatures can fluctuate during the day. So observing your dog's temperature at different times of the day for a few days could help you figure out what his "healthy temperature" is.

Knowing your dog's normal pulse, respiration rate, and capillary refill time might help you spot an illness early on. We hope we were able to answer your questions. Dry Paws has a fantastic selection of environmentally friendly dog items. Take a look!

April 23, 2022 — Inamul haque